I'm a young engineer with over six years of experience in the fields
of computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modeling and combustion.
I have a good expertise in parallel programming and in High Performance Computing.
I was born and raised in the Italian city of Torino at the feet of the mighty Alps. Pretty early in my childhood I realized that my artistic skills were extremely limited, but I was pretty good at dealing with numbers and with stuff that are quantifiable. I got drawn towards science by my curiosity of understanding how the universe works and how it became what it is now (one of my greatest passions is still cosmology). I have always been fascinated by spaceflight and, by the time that the first NASA rover landed on Mars (Pathfinder in 1997), I already decided that I was going to be an aerospace engineer. I followed through with my plans and I obtained both my Bachelor and my Master of Science degrees at the Politecnico di Torino. During my master I became interested in fluid dynamics after attending an outstanding class in compressible flows. It is amazing that such complex phenomena like shock waves, turbulence, acoustic waves are all described by a small set of (relatively) simple differential equations. My master thesis dealt with hypersonic aerodynamics and focused on studying the heating of space vehicles that enter a planet atmosphere: this enabled me to couple fluid mechanics with my old passion for space.
By then I realized I enjoyed doing research very much and I especially liked computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as it is an interesting blend of physics, math and computer science. In 2008 I was ready for a new experience and so I started a PhD at the Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics department of the University of Minnesota, where I am currently staying. In addition of being a terrific human experience, my staying at the U of MN helped me grow professionally a lot. I had the privilege to join Prof. Candler's research group, where I was exposed to some cutting edge methodologies for the numerical simulations of hypersonic and supersonic aerodynamics. By being directly involved in many different projects, I acquired a great expertise in Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of turbulent reactive flows, non-equilibrium aerothermodynamics and rarified flows. I also became acquainted with several methodologies widely used in computational physics, such as Finite Volume / Finite Element, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo and spectral methods.
The core of my research at the U of MN involves using a stochastic method to improve the modeling of the chemical source terms in Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of turbulent reacting flows. High-Reynolds turbulent flowfields present a huge number of temporal and spatial scales and, even with the most powerful computer clusters that are available today and in the near future, it is impossible to resolve all of them. The idea behind Large Eddy Simulations is thus to filter the governing equations and only solve for the filtered quantities. The terms that are filtered out, the so called Sub-Grid Scale (SGS) contributions, are then modeled with some kind of turbulence model. In reacting flows, however, the non-linearity of the chemical source terms make it impossible to develop reliable and universal SGS models for these quantities, so that they are usually ignored in the calculations. In my research I use a stochastic methodology called Filtered Mass Density Function (FMDF) in which the fine-grain chemical composition of the flow is represented by computational particles that are advected throughout the domain. By taking averages of ensemble of these particles it is possible to compute the SGS contribution of the chemical source term directly, without having to resort to any empirical, problem-dependent model. The results I obtained are very promising and show that the use of the FMDF methods are able to drastically improve the accuracy of LES of chemically reacting flows.
For more details about my research click here .
Pursuing a doctorate in computational fluid dynamics requires to develop many technical skills in different fields. On top of having a very strong background in turbulence modeling, Large Eddy simulation of chemically reacting flows and non equilibrium aerothermodynamics, I also acquired more specific skills in parallel programming (MPI) on high level languages (Fortran, C) as well as a good expertise of the Unix environment and High Performance Computing (HPC). Other technical skills include grid generation, flow visualization and analysis of the solution and statistical analysis of data (with softwares like JMP). I have a good knowledge of general engineering tools like Matlab and Mathematica.
Some of the projects I did during my graduate studies include:
I was part of the Read Head Operation R&D division. Some of my tasks included:
The course of study included all the most fundamental aerospace subjects such as flight mechanics, aerospace structural analysis, material science and aircraft design. My thesis work involved writing a thermal response computer code and couple it to an existing CFD code to study the heating of different body shapes in hypersonic conditions. The results are published in a AIAA conference paper.